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5 Essential Back to School Tips for a Smooth Transition

Change is in the air, it's almost back to school time! The start of the school year is right around the corner. I am craving the routine and consistent schedule that comes with school, but I know that isn't the case for everyone.

Here are 5 tips to help with the transition to the change in schedule , the back to school way of managing expectations, that I find helps my kiddos and my clients.

  1. Practice Think about all that could be new for them and if there is anything you can practice, help them find comfort in that unknown. Opening a new thermos or lunchbox. Practicing going to a new bus stop or drop off procedure for a different school. Try to make as many things comfortable or certain for their first day.

  2. Talk it out Don't assume your kiddo has the same worries as you. Ask them what they are worried about and go from there. Try hard not to put your thoughts on them, be an active listener in the conversation.

  3. Let them Lead When shopping for clothes or school supplies, let them feel in control of what they are picking. It will build up their confidence by feeling seen and heard and allow them to feel comfortable in who they are.

  4. Buddy System Find a friend or at least one acquaintance of your kiddo and see if you can buddy up before the first day of school. Sometimes kiddos just need at least one familiar face to smile with. Coordinate a group drop off or bus stop activity. Sometimes having a buddy helps get your kiddo to transition easier.

  5. Something Special Put something of yours that is special in their backpack or lunchbox and let them know it is there. That way they feel connected to you, or have a piece of you with them at all times. You don't have to buy anything new, it could be a bracelet you love to wear, a favorite shirt of yours, a crystal you love to carry, get creative maybe even ask them what they would like to have that is yours so they know you are with them!

You may want to hold onto summer as long as you can, but if you have a kiddo that needs time to transition or requires previews to help ease anxiety now is the time to start to make the switch over to prepping for the first day. If it will help, it will be worth it! Making back to school a smoother transition sounds like a good plan to me!

Back to school tips
Back to school tips to help kiddos feel comfortable!

If you are interested in learning more about about different ways you can start to parent different and are looking for assistance in figuring out new and different ways to connect with your child, my Parenting Take 2 Program is a perfect match! In this 6 to 8 week private support program I will assist you in finding new ways to parent your child by creating a personalized set of tools specific to your needs and your child's needs. You share your challenges and concerns, I interact with your child in playful sessions to learn how movement and mindfulness will benefit them, and then we connect the dots! Learn more by clicking the button below.


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